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Give the gift of life
on your own terms

Donating sperm is a meaningful way to help a family’s dreams come true. When you donate sperm through Nest, you gain access to a whole community of resources and support – while maintaining the power to make your own decisions.

Why Donate With Nest?

We exist to modernize the world of third party reproduction (fertile people helping others achieve their family dreams).

Commercial sperm banks are restrictive and impersonal, controlling how much donors are paid – and keeping the majority of the profit for themselves. Many have been slow to keep up with donor protections, as at-home DNA testing makes guaranteed anonymity a thing of the past.

​Nest is a platform for donors to make their own choices, including setting compensation, negotiating donor agreements, and managing communication with intended parents. We provide the tools, expertise, and platform for you to control your donation experience from start to finish.

When you donate with Nest,
you’re in control.



You’re In Charge of Compensation. Your time and effort is valuable – and we believe you are the best person to know exactly what that time and effort is worth.

A single sperm donation usually produces 2-8 vials of sperm, depending on the chosen fertility treatment. On average, the price of a single vial of sperm is $900-$1000. Intended parents often buy multiple vials, as fertility treatments often require several cycles before a successful pregnancy.

However, traditional sperm banks only pay donors between $70-$150 per donation. They then create multiple vials from each donation and can sell the vials for more than 10 times as much.


When you donate with Nest, you set your own rate, with an average price of $1000 per vial. If you belong to a demographic that is underrepresented in sperm donors, or if you have a higher concentration of sperm, you may be able to set higher compensation for your time.


Potential Compensation for Sperm Donation ( for IUI)

Samples donated per week IUI Vials created (if 4/sample) IUI Vials created (if 8/sample) Average total compensation from a sperm bank If you set your compensation with Nest at $1,000/IUI vial, you could make* If you set your compensation with Nest at $1,500/IUI vial, you could make*
2 8 16 $200 $5,080 $7,480
3 12 24 $300 $8,680 $12,280
4 16 32 $400 $12,280 $17,080



Potential Compensation for Sperm Donation ( for IVF)

Samples donated per week IVF Vials created (if 4/sample) IVF Vials created (if 8/sample) Average total compensation from a sperm bank If you set your compensation with Nest at $750/IVF vial, you could make* If you set your compensation with Nest at $1,000/IFV vial, you could make*
2 8 16 $200 $2,800 $5,200
3 12 24 $300 $5,200 $8,800
4 16 32 $400 $7,600 $12,400


*Nest donor compensation after lab/administrative expenses. For base-line example only, assuming total motile count (TMC) of 80 million; actual revenue could be much higher depending on TMC & donor-set pricing.                                  



Donors must meet FDA and ASRM guidelines, and undergo a medical and psychological screening process with our team to ensure they’re ready. All ethnicities are welcome and encouraged to apply. Donors must be able to attend a schedule of medical appointments for monitoring during the donation process.


Donating Through Nest Gives You the Power

Choose the number of donor-conceived children

Most sperm banks don’t let you determine how many children are made with your genetic material. At Nest, you can set your own boundaries on how many children you would like to help create.

Set your own compensation

Choose the value of your time and effort – without losing a majority of your money to middlemen.

Determine your own level of confidentiality and communication

We help you establish your preferred level and methods of communication with the recipient(s) and the donor-conceived child before, during, and after the donation.

Curate your own donation experience

Sperm banks offer a one-size-fits-all process with impersonal, non-negotiable contracts. We help you create a donor experience that meets your needs, informed by Nest's expert medical, legal, and financial guidance.

Participate actively in the matching process

Many donors want to know more about the families that will receive their donation. At Nest, you have the choice to learn about potential intended parents and choose your recipient(s).

Contribute to a diverse supply of healthy donors

Sperm banks often use outdated, biased screening requirements. Nest empowers all healthy donors who wish to make a difference in a family’s life, creating a community of underrepresented, but no less qualified, donors.

Empowering Donors Through the Sperm Donation Process

Sperm donation is simple, convenient, and safe. Nest’s team of medical providers and community support will guide you through every step of the process.

1. Donor Application

2. Create a Profile

3. Phase Donation Process:

  • Initial testing (physical exam, infectious disease screening, psychological consultation, genetic carrier screening, family medical history, semen analysis)
  • Sperm donation & freezing
  • Follow up testing (physical exam and blood tests) six months after donation

4. Match with Intended Parents

5. Begin the process in under 5 minutes with our short pre-screening questionnaire.


What Are the Requirements to Be a Sperm Donor?

At Nest, we believe intended parents should be able to make their own informed decisions when choosing a donor. All donors are screened according to FDA and ASRM recommendations; that information is then provided to intended parents as they go through the selection process.

As a baseline, we require donors to be:

  • Between 21-41

  • Actively pursuing or already earned a four-year college degree

  • Test negative for infectious diseases

  • Minimal genetic risks

  • In good general physical and mental health

  • Able to provide a detailed family medical history

  • Legally allowed to work in the US

Nest is a community.

Nest brings together future parents, egg & sperm donors, and fertility professionals in a trustworthy community. We welcome members of all races, ethnicities, and sexual orientations as they join together to strengthen and support each other’s needs while providing greater access to fertility care.

We are the only platform that empowers all parties and makes their journeys safe, easy, and FDA-compliant.

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